Презентация Оружие

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Most recently, in the center of Moscow there was a strange

Most recently, in the center of Moscow there was a strange

case. Office employee came with a huge backpack on his back, took out a loaded shotgun and made a slaughter. Because of unrequited love the guy killed several innocent people.

This has already happened in the U.S. and Europe. For example Breivik, or massacre in the cinema at the last Batman movie. In these countries free sale of weapons is permitted, but not in Russia.

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Since the days of the USSR we live almost 100 years

Since the days of the USSR we live almost 100 years

without the right to purchase a firearm. With the exception of hunting rifles and traumatic pistols. In the dispute between supporters and opponents of legalization for the last main argument - we have lost our culture with weapons.
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Experts believe that the traumatic weapons are enough for self-defense. Firegun

Experts believe that the traumatic weapons are enough for self-defense. Firegun

can exceed self-defense and killing a man, and a traumatic gun would be enough to stop a criminal. Supporters of legalization have their arguments: from a traumatic gun we can kill, hitting an artery or head. However, it will be impossible to find the killer, the police have no file for such weapons.
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According to statistics in the United States in every home can

According to statistics in the United States in every home can

be located about 2 pistols. The right to bear arms is allowed a second amendment to the Constitution (1791). Ban on buying only applies to machine guns. Half of states allows to carry guns almost everywhere. Permit to carry a weapon reduces crime by 5-8%.
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In 70 years in Washington have banned bear arms and for

In 70 years in Washington have banned bear arms and for

some years the crime rate has increased by 3 times. In Chicago, guns are also prohibited, but kills it takes a lot more than any other city in the country. Using weapons in self-defense makes only 1% of cases end shooting and injuries. But from 1990 to 1998 75% of the spouse swears killing each other with firearms. At the household level, the possession of arms can lead to dire consequences.
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In our country gun ownership without proper law may lead to

In our country gun ownership without proper law may lead to

the likeness of the "wild west". Legally in this country of about 5 million units sold weapons, illegally to 3 times more. Most of these weapons are in the criminal circles. Politics offered the age limit, the restriction on the purchase of those who did not serve in the army and has no skill with weapons.